Infinities and more

The man who tried leaping beyond the infinities of time and space, Dr Stephen Hawking is no more. Challenging the dynamics of nature and the creation of the universe, he spent years working extensively to uncover the mysteries of space, time and black holes. His death is no doubt an indefinite loss to the world. He brought milestones to the field of science with his work in cosmology and quantum mechanics. Minimal movement of the body was never a deterrent for him while coming up with a new way for the world to imagine black holes. Isn’t his brilliance fascinating? For us, he will always be an inspiration and an epitome of what you can achieve, the day you refuse to give up in the face of adversities.

A lot happened for the theoretical physicist in the decades between A brief history of time (1988) to A briefer history of time (2005). He was extensively covered in the media, who christened him as the ‘Master of the Universe’.

“If we discover a complete theory, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we should know the mind of God,” he once said. 

Hawking was known for possessing a savage sense of humour and sarcasm. It could be felt in his interviews with the media and interactions at conferences. “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny,” he once said in an interview. In another interview, with comedian and television host John Oliver, Hawking was asked if there were a universe where Oliver was smarter than Hawking. To this, the scientist had simply said, “Yes, and also a universe where you’re funny.” His witty aura could be seen in the occasional appearances he made on Big Bang Theory, much to Sheldon Cooper’s (and our) delight! In one such episode, Hawking had even boasted of having appeared in the popular show, The Simpsons. One of the memorable episodes in the series is when he saves the character of Lisa from a mob using his flying chair. 

As the world mourns the loss of modern science’s star, the universe gains one for its own. In the brief history of time, you will have a space for eternity. The books on our shelves will keep reminding us of your brilliance. Rest in peace, funny man!


Kedar Koli
Love for the language drew him to English Literature, which he graduated in. Thirst for the knowledge brought him to Journalism which he currently is pursuing! You can connect with him on Twitter at @kolikedar09

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